Privacy policy

Name of the website : Clery Beauty
Address : Holmengata 18, 1394 Nesbru
E-mail address :
Company number : 922046646

Types of personal data collected :

  • Name
  • First name
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number

Data collection methods :

  • Contact forms
  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Information cookies (cookies)

Purpose of data processing :

  • Appointment setup
  • Distribution of newsletters
  • Visitor statistics

Recipients of the data :

The data may be shared with third parties, in particular Google Analytics 4 (GA4), for the following reasons:

  • Analysing visitor statistics on the website
  • Improvement of the user experience
  • Optimisation of the services offered

Storage time for the data :

Personal data is stored for a period of 3 years from the last contact with the user.

The user’s rights :

According to applicable regulations, you have the following rights :

  • Right of access : You can request access to your personal data.
  • Right to rectification : You can request correction of inaccurate or incomplete information.
  • Right to erasure : You can request deletion of your personal data.

To exercise these rights, please contact:

Data security :

We implement various security measures to ensure the protection of your personal data, including data encryption and enhanced security protocols.

Use of cookies :

We use cookies in connection with the use of GA4 to :

  • Track and analyse browsing behaviour
  • Improve the user experience

The cookies are stored for a period of 12 months.

A cookie banner (CookieYes) has been implemented to respect users’ choices regarding acceptance or rejection of cookies.